He's Not My Boyfriend by scarlett2u [PG-13]
Summary: On her way home after receiving the amulet from Angel, Buffy has thinky thoughts about how to best define her relationship with Spike.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None Artists: None
Categories: Season 7
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: POV
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 1,473 Hit Count: 646 ePub Downloads: 31
Published: February 14, 2011 Updated: February 17, 2011
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Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: POV
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 1,473 Hit Count: 646 ePub Downloads: 31
Published: February 14, 2011 Updated: February 17, 2011
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1. Chapter 1 by scarlett2u - Likes: 21 Comments: 14 Word Count: 1,473 Hit Count: 646
Warning: Buffy probably has Angel breath going into this scene. Happy Valentine's Day!