Happy Christmas!
1. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me ... One Baffling Bar by Puddinhead - Likes: 37 Comments: 41 Word Count: 2,501 Hit Count: 6,519 Published: December 12, 2013
I started this Christmas story last year and it is finished now. Hope you like it. Many exciting details at the beginning of chapter 3, which is being posted in early November. I'll post a chapter every Tuesday through the holiday season of 2014-2015.
It was beta'ed by All4Spike and so many thanks to her! I'll mention that in the story description and right here at the start and knock off reminding you every chapter as if you have some kind of short term memory loss specific to betas. She helped with lots of things - large and small and I owe a huge debt to her. Mistakes (along with all instances of passive voice and the tweaking of Anglican church services) are on me.
Now I'll shuddup and let you read!
2. Two Troubled Time-travelers by Puddinhead - Likes: 35 Comments: 28 Word Count: 3,208 Hit Count: 3,011 Published: December 18, 2013
Depending on how this upload goes, this will either be a cautionary tale in why you shouldn't drink a lot of cab-sav or...why you should. Thank you more than I can say for your lovely welcome back. Means so much to me.
3. Three Clumsy Curtsies by Puddinhead - Likes: 33 Comments: 26 Word Count: 2,784 Hit Count: 2,576 Published: October 28, 2014
Hi! Following will be: apologies, lots of good news and a prize! I would like to begin with an (Apology!) that the author notes are so long. I am excited to be back. Also, I have been working on this off and on for six months and it has nearly killed me not to post it!
Sorry I left you hanging on this Christmas story. (Apology!) It was for a very valid reason (Good News!) which you may already know about. I reworked my Spuffy story “Yours, William” to be an original (it's about 50% new material). Just as I was beginning chapter 3 of this Christmas story, I heard back from the only editor I've ever pitched to! She was very interested in my revamped version of “Yours, William” and asked if I could rewrite it adding a few more chapters in William's point-of-view. COULD I?! Does the penis-head woman at Doublemeat love apple pies? I added five chapters (amounting to an additional 14,000 words). I'm really excited about these changes because more William! Now we get to see him at his club, at a couple of balls and in the tuberculosis sanatorium. There are a few other scenes as well! Anyway, I signed a contract, did lots of edits, changed the title to “Not Quite Darcy,” and … voila! It'll be released on Jan. 6th! It's even up for pre-order on amazon and you can see the cover there or on my profile! (Still getting over the fact that this is real.)
And there is more (Good News!) because I have finished this Christmas story. It's 12 chapters and an epilogue and runs a little over 37,000 words. I'll post a chapter every Tuesday, which means I have to start posting now. To those of you who can't stand early Christmas stuff, (Bonus Apology!) I'm a tiny bit sorry.
As I've said over and over, I would have never finished my first book without Elysian Fields. I may even mention that inside my book cover of “Not Quite Darcy.” :) As another way to thank you for all your support, I'm giving away a free copy (Prize!) of the book - just to EF readers. (NOTE to anyone reading after 2015, the contest ended a few years ago so please don't enter any longer).
Without further yammering from me (Good news!) – here ya go with the complete I-promise-I-won't-leave-you-hanging Christmas story! Beta'ed by All4Spike! Huge thanks to her! (Mistakes are mine.)
4. Four Little Lies by Puddinhead - Likes: 32 Comments: 22 Word Count: 3,183 Hit Count: 2,479 Published: November 04, 2014
Thanks so much for your warm welcome! :)
5. Five Sprigs A-hangin' by Puddinhead - Likes: 31 Comments: 18 Word Count: 3,290 Hit Count: 2,476 Published: November 11, 2014
Of all the chapters in this tale, I think this one was the easiest to write. Spike + Buffy + Christmas Eve = Fun. Then add his Mum and you've just got fun squared. That Anne Pratt knows how to keep things poppin' - that's all I'm saying. I'm pretty sure if she'd been born in another era, she would have been a raver.
BTW - the worst thing about writing books that will be published as opposed to fanfic? No reader feedback. Seriously, it has been lonesome writing that other stuff without you guys and it has been so much fun to reconnect a bit. On behalf of all writers - thanks to those who comment on stories (not just my stories but any of them!)
I hope you enjoy this chappie. And again, any mistakes are mine - tho it was practically perfect in every way when A4S beta'ed it!
Oh! Guess who did this sorry-ass banner. Go on, guess! ME! I got mad skillz with MSPaint, son! Blame where blame is due! :D
6. Six Guinness Guzzled by Puddinhead - Likes: 27 Comments: 13 Word Count: 1,073 Hit Count: 2,351 Published: November 18, 2014
This chapter is a lot shorter than most of the chapters. I could have stretched it, but it would have been mostly filler and I didn't want to try your patience like that. There are two short chapters like this in the story – and the epilogue is pretty short as well. (A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend.) Next chapter is damn long, though!
How ya doin'? Getting ready for Christmas? Decorating? Hope this helps you get your Christmas on! (Or considering the content of the chapter, keeps you company while you drink...)
7. Seven Religious Reprimands by Puddinhead - Likes: 28 Comments: 20 Word Count: 4,625 Hit Count: 2,391 Published: November 25, 2014
Hi! Somewhere near the end of this chapter we hit the halfway mark of the story. Buckle in! (And all mistakes belong to me, not to A4S, who beta'ed this flawlessly.) I'm excited to share this chapter with you and almost posted on the weekend!!
8. Eight Sailing Snowballs by Puddinhead - Likes: 31 Comments: 25 Word Count: 3,716 Hit Count: 2,451 Published: December 02, 2014
I have chapter notes at the end!
9. Nine Sorted Scrapbooks by Puddinhead - Likes: 24 Comments: 16 Word Count: 3,039 Hit Count: 2,331 Published: December 09, 2014
10. Ten Piles of Pudding by Puddinhead - Likes: 31 Comments: 21 Word Count: 2,629 Hit Count: 2,511 Published: December 16, 2014
And you thought there wouldn't be pudding?
11. Eleven Angelic Arrangements by Puddinhead - Likes: 21 Comments: 16 Word Count: 954 Hit Count: 2,371 Published: December 23, 2014
Happy Christmas to you all!
12. Twelve Preserved Peaches by Puddinhead - Likes: 38 Comments: 25 Word Count: 3,444 Hit Count: 2,476 Published: December 30, 2014
13. And an Epilogue in a Palm Tree by Puddinhead - Likes: 66 Comments: 33 Word Count: 1,416 Hit Count: 3,801 Published: January 05, 2015