Summary: Buffy awakens on Deep Space Nine to a new world, a new life, a very old promise and the knowledge that she is still destiny's plaything
Crossover with Star Trek, DS9, Secret Santa Fic 2020 for Cosmic Tuesdays
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Post-Series, Crossover (Books or TV shows outside Buffyverse)
Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Event: Secret Santa Fic Exchange 2020
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 10,053 Hit Count: 1,294 ePub Downloads: 55
Published: December 25, 2020 Updated: December 25, 2020

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

Story Notes: Nope, I checked (again) this morning. I still don't own Buffy, Star Trek or any other series. All I own is my inspiration and my stories.
This story was created as a Secret Santa Gift for Cosmic Tuesdays.  I'm sorry it's later than I had planned, but life and migraines worked their will and the 20th became Christmas day.  I'm sorry.  After the battle, this was the result.
I owe a debt to several kind people who held my hand and gave emergency editing help and feedback.  Anabellee, Brooke724 and Tempus get special mention for their above and beyond.   Inachis, Sithspit and Azulkan for being there for me forever, and in this particular craziness. 

1. The world she made by DeepBlueJoy - Likes: 42 Comments: 23 Word Count: 10,053 Hit Count: 1,294 Published: December 25, 2020