Penname: TashaHere
Real Name: Natasha
Member Since: May 17, 2020
Last Active: January 23, 2025
Membership Status: Member
Skin: tabula rasa

I started watching BtVS and Angel the beginning of 2020 so I am the latest a bloomer can be. I have always heard about the show but never looked at it due to the title and I was a little bit of a tomboy growing up. Anything that looked like teen girls would worship, I deferred from. Now in college, I realized that I was just being stupid and gave Buffy a chance. The show completely blew me away and it is far from what I expected at first glance. The pairing of Spike and Buffy is the blueprint of Enemies to Lovers and captivated my attention due to its complexity and development it has shown from both characters. When I finished the show, I felt a need to be fulfilled for more Spuffy after that last scene. It grew even more after finishing Angel. 

I haven’t read fanfiction in a very long time since I was an early teen and Spuffy brought me back to it. Now I cannot stop reading as there are so many talented writers.

I want to write a Spuffy fic of my own, but due to college.. I will just stick to reading for the time being.

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