Active Beta and Sensitivity Readers
There are 77 beta readers who are active and currently accepting new stories. There are 8 sensitivity readers who are active and currently accepting new stories.

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*Elysian Fields does not screen beta readers or sensitivity readers. All information below is supplied directly by members and simply hosted by Elysian Fields. Using a beta reader or sensitivity reader from this list does not guarantee that your story or chapter will be validated.*

Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Experience: Haven't betad in years but excited to get back to it. I have a BA in English Lit
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: No All Human AUs
No non-con/dub-con
I'm fine with temporary canon couples that are non-Spuffy (Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Riley or even Buffy/Parker, as well as Spike/Drusilla and Spike/Harmony) but no drawn out non-canon pairings that involve Spike/Buffy. This includes any thrupole or other relationships.
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-2 weeks
Experience: I have beta'd stories for cawthraven, Doublemeat Palace, HappyWhenItRains, scratchmeout, and noctilucent.
I am currently enrolled in grad school so my availability is a little all over the place, but I am always down to put off writing papers and studying to read some amazing fic! If something comes up and I am unable to work on a beta request, I will let you know as soon as possible so we can work something out.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
  • Baby/kid fics
  • Post-series fics
  • Comics-based fics
Additional Comments: While I can definitely assist with any grammar and punctuation issues that may pop up, I get the most joy from helping authors flesh out the plot of their stories and getting the characters we know and love to a satisfying resolution. Or even just to the next steps because I know it can take a bit to get everyone to where they need to be. I also love to cheer authors on in case they get a little stuck and need some encouragement with the amazing stories they're in the process of creating, so if that's something you're interested in, please feel free to contact me!
Ratings I'll beta: •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •British English  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Experience: I Beta for MaggielaFeySlayerOfSunnydale, and DeamonQueen. Most of my experience is in academic editing as part of my degrees. 
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: I am a survivor of sexual assault and so won't beta work with Rape (actual). 
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Experience: As an avid Spuffy fiction reader, I find it super fun to help others refine their works! I’ve read hundreds of pieces and can no longer escape the characterizations that are Buffy and Spike. I love to collaborate while figuring out how to best compliment your own creative process.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: I'm pretty open to all. I have no limitations at the moment.
Additional Comments: I love to connect with authors on here and love this community! I have a post graduate degree in clinical psychology and love research. 
Ratings I'll beta: •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 2-3 weeks
Experience: None yet.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17 
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: In the world of Buffy fic I have mostly worked with resignedlybeneaththesky on plotting and timeline details. 
I have written for other fandoms and you can see examples of my writing on Ao3 (same username). I have also worked as an academic writing coach. 
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
  • Underage sexual content
  • Tragic endings
  • Graphic torture
  • I have not read the comics, so I have no context for any fics taking place in that timeline. 
  • I prefer working with 3rd person writing, but I can help with 1st person if needed. 
  • Completely AU all human. If it’s in canon context, such as a spell that places them in a new setting, that’s fine. 
Additional Comments:
I have a very strong knowledge of canon elements and timeline details for BtVS.
(I have seen all of Ats, but aside from the crossover episodes, I haven’t retained a huge amount of it. My knowledge of the comics is next to nil.)
I have a really good sense of characterization and character voice. I can help make sure that dialogue feels as authentic and in character as possible. 
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17 
I can help beta read: •American English  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: Beta'ed for Lady Emma (one chapter of Not Back to the Future Rules and her one-shot EF 2022 Secret Santa It's a Wonderful Spike) , CheekyKitten (Hold My Hand Even Though I'm a Sinner, One Thing Right, Rise, Once Upon a Dream, and two other WIPs not yet posted), DeamonQueen (secret santa 2022 one-shot Delusion or Reality), acb6293's Bring Him Home, and Cosmic Tuesdays' one-shot Doubt'll be the Fire of Your Delight).
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: All Human, Taboo, Comics. 
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-2 weeks
  • Currently working with szmattycat and JaneRemmington on longer fics. Have betaed for bramcrackershappywhenitrains, and Electric Heart. Also betaed a couple short fics, have done a bit for Sigyn and EllieRose101, and have caught typos and wee errors for many authors/stories. I’ve got bachelors and masters degrees and I’m decent with copy reading (except commas, they’re my Achilles heel). 
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: I'm able to be more helpful with character studies, canon-compliant one-shots, and plot-driven stories than smut fic (I enjoy it, but have no skill other than general awareness of what does or doesn’t work for me, personally). I'm not a fan of claim stories, though I’ve read a few that I’d work with. 
I’m generally not interested in betaing stories with underage sex/statutory rape (outside of canon), incest, or stories that Buffy bash, especially while making Spike the be all end all. 
Additional Comments: I’ve read a TON of fic here on EF (and a couple other fandoms) and have been in and out of fandoms for 20+ years. I’m familiar with canon BtVS, some familiarity with AtS, and have pretty much no experience with the comics. I love canon compliant fic, or fic that reweaves canon in recognizable ways, and I’m big on characterization feeling in line with canon (or growing appropriately out of it). Also happy to peek at crossovers, though my experience is limited with other shows.
Right now my life is pretty overwhelmingly busy, but I might be open to taking on some projects, particularly shorter fics. I may be able to have shorter turnaround on some things, but don’t want to promise something I can’t deliver, so I’m sticking with 1-2 weeks right now. 
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Experience: None as of yet
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •British English  •Grammar  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: Proofreading/editing scholarly work for the most part, and I’d like to try something not so boring.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
Additional Comments: