Welcome to Elysian Fields, the Definitive Spuffy Fanfiction Archive!

We are the home of 1,020 authors from among our 28,370 members. There are 456,303 comments on our 7,436 stories, which consist of 154,341,085 words. A special welcome to our newest member, colderest.

There are currently 24 members and 57 guests lurking standing about.

Balloons Happy birthday to Niamh! Balloons

Balloons Happy birthday to Bobita! Balloons

Balloons Happy birthday to ItsLaurenBaby! Balloons

Messages to EF from James Marsters

Author of the Month: though_you_try has published 6 stories at Elysian Fields since joining on June 12, 2023.

Commenter of the Month: Ethereal Demon has written 1,432 comments at Elysian Fields since joining on December 14, 2020.

Artist of the Month: Lmrln is our current artist of the month.

2024 Mystery Month Challenge Commenters: 47 members have met the requirements for the 2024 Mystery Month Comment Challenge.

Commenting Stars: 47 members have met the requirements to be an All Star Commenter this month.

Yes or No? by scratchmeout NC-17
Don't worry. They're just fake dating. It's not real. It isn't.
Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May by cawthraven NC-17
Ren faires are supposed to be about gnawing on turkey legs, sipping mead (if...
What She Deserves by flootzavut PG-13
Buffy and Spike both go to the Renaissance Faire to escape from their lives...
Another Truce? by To Be Hers NC-17
What if Mr Trick found Spike when he was lying passed out in front of Angel's...
There Is a Season by Inevitablethief NC-17
About a year ago, Spike's Lovers Walk spell brought a Buffy from a post-Chosen...
Arrive Before the Birds by EverythingElse NC-17
“Angelus.”   His grandsire grinned at him from the doorway...
Helped by Roboticghost PG-13
Spike stuck around after Lover’s Walk and decided to help when a helpless...
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] by Ragini NC-17
After the events in Deliverance From Destiny, Buffy, Spike, Willow, and Lorne...
Blue Recall by VoronaFiernan, hydranjenna NC-17
Magic is fickle, especially when emotions are high. When Willow tries to set...
Itty Bitty Wiggy Piggy by ClowniestLivEver NC-17
Buffy's been kidnapped, and Spike is ready to huff and puff as much as he has...
Random Story
The Weight of the World by spikeslovebite G
Rated R just to be safe. Season 5. A rewrite of the episode of the same name...
pfeifferpack (7/26 09:49pm): partyHappy birthday to Niamh, Bobita, & to ItsLaurenBaby! May each gift be perfect, each celebrating with you filled with love, each memory made be one of joy. May this year be one with good health, needs met, love lavished, & blessings daily.
pfeifferpack (7/26 09:24pm): party belated birthday to onlyone87, kazuyanp3228, darkpearl, Demlar, & LivingALittle. So sorry I'm late but hope you were so well loved & celebrated that you didn't notice. May you have nothing but joyous memories of it & blesssings & love this year.
buffy_loves_spike (7/26 05:38pm): A belated thank you for the birthday wishes! love
pfeifferpack (7/25 02:19am): partyHappy birthday to Hostile17-1996 & to Bluemerlin! Hoping the whole day is a joyous celebration of you. May you be well loved & richly gifted. May you have a year making great memories, enjoying success & enjoying blessings.
Spikesgirl28 (7/23 10:50pm): Happy birthday matgueritedaisy! Hope you have a great birthday
pfeifferpack (7/23 09:09pm): partyHappy birthday to margueritedaisy! Hope you are cherished by all you love and well gifted with all most want. May every memory be wonderful. Hope this year brings every joy, all needs met and blessings daily.
zanthinegirl (7/23 03:43pm): Thanks for the birthday wishes! It’s a crazy time here but much appreciated.
the_big_bad (7/23 03:11pm): Happy birthday zanthinegirl and everyone else celebrating!
pfeifferpack (7/23 11:43am): partyHappiest of birthdays to zanthinegirl, skittles8705, Amron, kettle-on, & buffy_loves_spike! May the whole day be one lovely memory after another, every gift most desired & love lavished on you. May this year be your best with blessings & joy
the_big_bad (7/23 09:18am): *Month
the_big_bad (7/23 09:18am): FYI, there will be no Agnes update this week due to Mystery Minth. Sorry! Hope to be back next Tuesday.
though_you_try (7/23 07:19am): @Tasha wishing a swift recovery to your grandmother, and congratulations on doing Mystery Month even with these circumstances! You're fantastic! heart
Tasha (7/23 02:09am): Thank you @HebiC I hope so too. It's been a rough week. She wants to be home, but she is nowhere near ready to be.
HebiC (7/22 03:44pm): I hope your grandmother feels better soon!
Tasha (7/21 10:02pm): I'm actually out of my home state at the moment because my grandmother went into the hospital, and I need to be there to help. She hardly gets sick, but when she does ... oh boy!!
Tasha (7/21 09:43pm): I'm so happy that I made the update time for week 3 as well. I might actually get this challenge finished WHOO HOO!
pfeifferpack (7/21 09:15pm): partyHappy birthday to ihaveatheoryitcouldbebunnies! May your day be as warm & lovely as those bunnies with love & gifts and great memories. May you have a year with every need met & daily blessings & joy.
Hannora (7/21 04:46am): @Smskisses: If you're looking for a reunion fic in an AU post S6 where Spike left, then there's Haunted by kantayra https://dark-solace.org/...d=557 I haven't read it yet so I'm not sure you'll find the exact same components as Broken Bridges.
Smskisses (7/20 12:05am): Does anyone have any recs like Dusty's Broken Bridges? Thanks!
pfeifferpack (7/19 10:57pm): partyHappy birthday to Tgk spuffy! May you be cherished by all you love, be gifted with all you want most. May this year bring success to all endeavors, blessings, a wealth of great memories and genuine love daily.
the_big_bad (7/19 06:54pm): party So many birthdays! Happy birthday Passion4Spike, IsaSasu13, kalirena69, & FluffySpuffy!
Holly (7/19 09:28am): @enchantedwillow - We have a whole channel devoted to helping plot on our Discord! https://discord.gg/...MGRQY
honeygirl51885 (7/19 06:41am): Happy birthday Passion4Spike, IsaSasu13, kalirena69, & FluffySpuffy! party
EnchantedWillow (7/19 12:32am): I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed trying to wrangle my plot blush . If anyone who has read the first two chapters has any (kind) suggestions or would (prays to the heavens) like to help me out, I would love a PM!
pfeifferpack (7/18 11:59pm): partyHappy birthday to Passion4Spike, IsaSasu13, kalirena69, & FluffySpuffy! May you be lavished with love & gifts and have memories that bring a lifetime of joy to relive. May you be richly blessed this year with all needs met, dreams coming true & with the respect & love of all who matter to you

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Site Time: July 27, 06:14am (-04:00 GMT)
Mystery Month Prompt #4

Welcome to Week 4 of the Elysian Fields Mystery Month Event!

That means we’re past the Scream Tunnel and close to our own Elysian Fields version of Heartbreak Hill. Don’t forget to fuel up, drink plenty of water, and keep those typing fingers nimble as you face that last hill.


  • This is THE LAST PROMPT to be released!
  • The fifth and final prompt is Happily Ever After/Happy For Now.
  • Your fic MUST CONCLUDE with five chapters.
  • The end-notes for each chapter MUST INCLUDE the prompt(s) that were answered in the chapter and an excerpt of the prompt being fulfilled.
  • Fics that do not update within the specified timeframe will be removed from the event. This means you have until 11:59 pm EDT on July 21 to add Chapter 3.
  • You have until 11:59 pm EDT on July 28 to add Chapter 4.
  • You have until...

--cawthraven and the Mods on July 18, 2024 11:17pm 0 Comments
Mystery Event Prompt #3

Welcome to Week 3 of the Elysian Fields Mystery Event!

Wellness check. How are you all doing? Mystery Month is a marathon, but we hope you guys (gn) are having as much fun as we are, especially since we’re officially at the halfway point!


  • Only ONE MORE PROMPT be released after this week.
  • The fifth and final prompt is HEA/HFN.
  • Your fic MUST CONCLUDE with five chapters.
  • The end-notes for each chapter MUST INCLUDE the prompt(s) that were answered in the chapter and an excerpt of the prompt being fulfilled.
  • Fics that do not update within the specified timeframe will be removed from the event. This means you have until 11:59 pm EDT on July 14 to add Chapter 2.

Curious to see how the prompts are being addressed? Check out the fics on our Event Page.

And without further ado, the prompts. The random number generator we used plucked a couple more from Avery and Kliomuse, and since...

--Holly and the Mods on July 11, 2024 11:02pm 8 Comments
Mystery Event Prompt #2

Welcome to Week 2 of the Elysian Fields Mystery Event!

Our Mystery Event is well underway! And authors, you still have until 11:59 pm EDT on July 7 to get your fics in if you want to join in the fun. Once the clock strikes midnight, the checkbox to add your fic to the event will be gone.

Curious to see how the prompts are being addressed? Check out the fics on our Event Page.

But we know what you’re really here for, so we won’t take up any more of your time.


  • Spike eats a blooming onion (as suggested by Maxine Eden)
  • Motorcycle ride (as suggested by Kliomuse)
  • Midnight snacks (as suggested by Avery)



--Holly and the Mods on July 05, 2024 12:00am 0 Comments