Penname: cawthraven
Real Name: Stiney
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Location: Restfield Cemetery
Member Since: June 06, 2021
Last Active: July 27, 2024
Membership Status: Administrator
Skin: a little romance

“Firing canon when it doesn’t suit since 2022.”

I am an Elysian Fields administrator, focusing on story tag management, coding, and tech support.

I had a slightly weird road to Spuffy. I watched S1 live in 8th grade and thought it was too dissimilar to the movie and wrote it off (despite all my friends chattering about it before school the day after it aired all through high school). Then in my 20s a friend made me watch Once More with Feeling and I was hooked on Spuffy. I wound up watching the show straight through for the first time in 2013 and then again during the pandemic. And then I suddenly started craving Spuffy fic in April of 21 and haven't looked back since. And then somehow I started writing it? That was definitely not planned.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

  Stories (32)    Series (4)    Challenges (17)    Comments (576)    Favorites (227)    Beta Profile     Awards (43)    Statistics     Beta Credits (60)    Artist Credits (13) 
Summary: Buffy's been dissatisfied for a long time now. When Spike explodes back into her life, she sees a chance to change that.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains, trevino
Artists: MillennialCryBaby
Series: It's Still Rock and Roll to Me
Categories: Season 4, Episode Rewrite
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Erotica, Fighting, HEA/HFN, Porn w/ Plot
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Buffy/Other (Temp), Sexual Situations
Event: 2023 Satisfaction-athon
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 14,495 Hit Count: 2,640 ePub Downloads: 123
Published: February 13, 2023 Updated: February 13, 2023
Summary: Buffy just had a hot fight with Spike. And now, she's having a hot night with him, too.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime
Artists: MillennialCryBaby
Series: Mr. Sandman, Bring Me a Dream
Categories: Season 5, Alternate Reality, Missing Scene
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Riley Finn
Genres: Erotica, Porn w/o Plot
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other (Temp), Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 3,747 Hit Count: 1,742 ePub Downloads: 48
Published: December 11, 2022 Updated: December 11, 2022
Summary: When Walsh decides Buffy Summers is more useful to her as a lab specimen than a freelance agent, she sends her men after her. The Slayer has no choice but to flee Sunnydale until her friends can deal with the threat. The only problem? The only person who can drive the getaway car is her mortal enemy.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: the_big_bad
Artists: cawthraven
Categories: Season 4, Alternate Reality, Challenge Response
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Erotica, HEA/HFN, Porn w/ Plot, Road Trip
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Buffy/Other (Temp), Sexual Situations
Event: Road Trip Challenge 2022
Completed: Yes Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Word count: 75,073 Hit Count: 20,693 ePub Downloads: 359
Published: October 28, 2022 Updated: January 24, 2023
Summary: A collection of unconnected drabbles about Buffy and Spike across the multiverse.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains
Artists: cawthraven

An art piece for the Truce challenge from Becoming Part Two. 

Beta and Sensitivity Readers: DeathTheKat, HappyWhenItRains
Artists: None
Categories: Artwork, Season 2
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Event: Truce Challenge 2023
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 455 ePub Downloads: 4
Published: October 06, 2023 Updated: October 06, 2023
Summary: Buffy just wants some cookies but some monster has been destroying the bakeries of New York. She and Spike will have to investigate this mysterious monster.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains, Holly
Artists: cawthraven
Categories: Post-Series, Crossover (Books or TV shows outside Buffyverse)
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Established Relationship, Fluffy/Comedy, HEA/HFN, Humor, Lighthearted
Warnings: Adult Language
Event: Monster Mash 2024
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1,809 Hit Count: 276 ePub Downloads: 10
Published: March 10, 2024 Updated: March 10, 2024
Summary: Riley can’t stop thinking about Buffy’s sex dream about Spike and makes a big decision, leaving Buffy to pick up the pieces—and Spike to pick up hers.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains, trevino
Artists: MillennialCryBaby
Series: Mr. Sandman, Bring Me a Dream
Categories: Season 5, Alternate Reality
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Riley Finn
Genres: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other (Temp)
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 5,553 Hit Count: 810 ePub Downloads: 24
Published: December 12, 2023 Updated: December 12, 2023
Summary: Spike writes Buffy a poem. S5 or S6, probably.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: cawthraven
Categories: Season 5, Season 6, Poetry
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Porn w/o Plot
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 115 Hit Count: 382 ePub Downloads: 12
Published: May 11, 2022 Updated: May 11, 2022
Summary: World-famous children's author Dr. Spuffy makes no apologies for this parody.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: MillennialCryBaby
Categories: Poetry
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: HEA/HFN, Humor, Parody
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 807 Hit Count: 507 ePub Downloads: 14
Published: June 22, 2022 Updated: June 22, 2022
Summary: After Buffy crawls out of her grave, she finds a familiar place to rest. It's quiet and safe, and the vampire who lives there can take care of her.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime
Artists: MillennialCryBaby
Categories: Season 6, Alternate Reality
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya, Dawn, Tara
Genres: Angst, Dark, Drama, Fix-It, HEA/HFN, Hurt/Comfort, Resurrection, Slow-Burn
Warnings: Adult Language, Mental Health Issues
Event: Secret Santa Fic Exchange 2022
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 14,249 Hit Count: 2,696 ePub Downloads: 97
Published: December 13, 2022 Updated: December 13, 2022

It's a turvy-topsy world.

Banner artists, from left to right: nmcil, Dirtyaim, and scratchmeout

Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, bewildered, cawthraven, EllieRose101, HappyWhenItRains, Holly, simmony, trevino
Artists: Dirtyaim, nmcil, scratchmeout
Series: The Exquisite Universe
Categories: Artwork, Challenge Response
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Action/Adventure, Dramedy, Established Relationship, Fighting, Fluffy/Comedy, Lighthearted, Porn w/ Plot, Porn w/o Plot, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Challenges: The Seventh Annual Blessed-But-Not-Official-Elysian-Fields Exquisite Corpse Challenge!
Event: April Challenge 2023
Completed: Yes Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Word count: 52,613 Hit Count: 1,971 ePub Downloads: 34
Published: April 27, 2023 Updated: July 23, 2023
Summary: She lost everything. Now she has a chance to fix it all.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: HappyWhenItRains, Holly
Artists: MillennialCryBaby
Categories: Season 5, Post-Series, Alternate Reality, Time Travel
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Riley Finn
Genres: Apocalyptic/Dystopian, Dark, Drama, Erotica, Fix-It, HEA/HFN
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Sexual Situations
Event: Secret Santa Fic Exchange 2023
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 8,336 Hit Count: 1,767 ePub Downloads: 58
Published: December 27, 2023 Updated: December 27, 2023
Summary: Spike’s back, sort of. Haunting the halls of Wolfram & Hart as a ghost isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains, Holly
Artists: HappyWhenItRains
Series: The Amaranth Cycle
Categories: Crossover (AtS), Post-Series
Characters: Spike
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Mental Health Issues
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1,961 Hit Count: 314 ePub Downloads: 12
Published: April 13, 2024 Updated: April 13, 2024
Summary: Ren faires are supposed to be about gnawing on turkey legs, sipping mead (if you can score a wristband, or, you know, just be of age), and getting hit on by women with a whole lot of cleavage on display. But when couples go missing at the Sunnie Dayle Renaissance Faire, Buffy goes to investigate. And of course, ugh, Spike shows up, too, as if her day isn’t already completely ruined.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, DeathTheKat, HappyWhenItRains, Holly
Artists: cawthraven, HappyWhenItRains
Categories: Between Seasons (any), Alternate Reality
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Willow, Xander, Anya, Tara
Genres: Erotica, HEA/HFN, Porn w/ Plot, Under Magical Influence
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Dubious Consent, Sexual Situations, Torture (Physical), Violence
Event: Mystery Month 2024
Completed: No Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 13,957 Hit Count: 578 ePub Downloads: 7
Published: July 04, 2024 Updated: July 20, 2024
Summary: The final installment of mostly unconnected Spuffy drabbles from across the multiverse.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains
Artists: loveisntbrains_
Summary: She knows he's dangerous, but she can't resist.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 2, Alternate Reality, Episode Rewrite
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: HEA/HFN
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Sexual Situations, Underage Sex, Vampire!Buffy
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 469 Hit Count: 642 ePub Downloads: 14
Published: September 26, 2023 Updated: September 26, 2023
Summary: When she was fifteen, she burned down the school gym and her life as an LA cheerleader. When she was seventeen, she sent her boyfriend and her life in Sunnydale to hell. Now she’s back in LA as no one. Because if she’s no one, she can’t get anyone hurt or killed. So now she waits tables—and waits. 
His life ended in tears, bloodshed, and shredded poetry. It ended again in ashes when Drusilla chose to face the sun rather than stay with him. He’s no one and nothing without her. Just an empty husk, waiting. 
Until they find each other again. Beneath the blood and tears, can they rebuild themselves—together?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains, Holly, hopelesswanderer, trevino
Artists: scratchmeout
Categories: Season 3, Alternate Reality
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Angst, Dark, Erotica, HEA/HFN, Hurt/Comfort, Porn w/ Plot
Warnings: Adult Language, Attempted Suicide, Blood Play, Dubious Consent, Gun Violence, Mental Health Issues, Rape (Actual), Sexual Situations, Spike/Other (Temp), Suicidal Ideation, Suicide, Underage Sex
Event: Truce Challenge 2023
Completed: No Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Word count: 21,278 Hit Count: 1,687 ePub Downloads: 35
Published: October 17, 2023 Updated: April 21, 2024
Summary: Buffy's sure that Valentine's Day is designed to torment the single. And oh lord is she single now that Riley's gone. Meanwhile, everyone around her seems to have someone to spend the holiday with. But it turns out she has a secret admirer...
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains, Holly, trevino
Artists: cawthraven
Categories: Season 5, Episode Rewrite, Challenge Response, Poetry
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Erotica, Fix-It, HEA/HFN, Porn w/ Plot, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Whatever you want to call it.
Event: April Challenge 2023
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 11,934 Hit Count: 1,278 ePub Downloads: 63
Published: April 01, 2023 Updated: April 01, 2023
Summary: She said she was cookie dough. Well, the timer just went off--and good time, because it's almost Christmas, and what's Christmas without cookies?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains, trevino
Artists: cawthraven
Categories: Post-Series, Holiday Fic
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Angel, Charles Gunn, Fred, Lorne, Wesley
Genres: Erotica, Fluffy/Comedy, HEA/HFN, Humor, Lighthearted, Porn w/ Plot
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 8,764 Hit Count: 1,126 ePub Downloads: 47
Published: May 30, 2023 Updated: May 30, 2023
Summary: A slow-growing collection of Spuffy art inspired by vintage American tattoos. 
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: cawthraven
Categories: Artwork
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Word count: 7 Hit Count: 4,750 ePub Downloads: 10
Published: September 21, 2022 Updated: January 13, 2023
Summary: A photo album of Spike and Buffy images created by me.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: HappyWhenItRains
Artists: cawthraven
Categories: Artwork
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 2 Hit Count: 634 ePub Downloads: 3
Published: October 07, 2023 Updated: October 08, 2023
Summary: “It’s our anniversary,” he says with a soft smile that lights him up from within. He never gets mad that she doesn’t remember these little moments. Says that’s what he’s for, to make sure she stops to smell the roses. Which he buys for her, often.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: HappyWhenItRains
Categories: Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Established Relationship, Fluffy/Comedy, HEA/HFN, Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 787 Hit Count: 694 ePub Downloads: 16
Published: September 29, 2022 Updated: September 29, 2022
Summary: More (mostly) unconnected Spuffy drabbles from across the multiverse.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, DarkVoid116, HappyWhenItRains
Artists: DeathTheKat
Summary: In the aftermath of Spike's sacrifice in the Hellmouth, Buffy turns to the words of Pablo Neruda for solace, but she might just be spinning out.
Set post-Chosen, post AtS Damage, and goes AU from there.
Banner by MillennialCryBaby, who tells me the painting is "Oak Fractured by Lightning" by Maxim Vorobiev, which he painted about his grief dealing with his wife's death. And the text is "Tonight I can write the saddest lines."
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: MillennialCryBaby
Categories: Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fix-It, HEA/HFN, Porn w/ Plot
Warnings: Adult Language, Attempted Rape, Mental Health Issues, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 4,319 Hit Count: 1,060 ePub Downloads: 39
Published: February 18, 2022 Updated: February 18, 2022
Summary: Willow is just fed up with the way Buffy and Spike act around each other. What are they, five?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, the_big_bad
Artists: HappyWhenItRains, Irandamay
Categories: Season 4, Alternate Reality, Episode Rewrite, Challenge Response
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Riley Finn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fluffy/Comedy, HEA/HFN, Humor, Lighthearted
Warnings: None
Event: Mystery Ficathon 2022
Completed: Yes Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Word count: 45,478 Hit Count: 8,185 ePub Downloads: 203
Published: July 01, 2022 Updated: August 02, 2022
Summary: ...they measure the thread...
Volume Two of the Spuffy Fairytales Event!
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: bewildered, cawthraven, EllieRose101, Holly, VoronaFiernan
Artists: bewildered
Summary: After the fall of Sunnydale, Buffy’s living in Boston and working as a waitress, grateful that here, not everyone knows her name. She’s free for once to be herself—and to grieve.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains, Holly, scratchmeout
Artists: cawthraven, Lmrln
Series: The Amaranth Cycle
Categories: Post-Series
Characters: Buffy
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Character Death
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 2,205 Hit Count: 646 ePub Downloads: 21
Published: November 01, 2023 Updated: November 01, 2023
Summary: Buffy's got a problem and his name is Spike.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: Holly
Artists: HappyWhenItRains
Categories: Season 5, Episode Rewrite
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Riley Finn
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Buffy/Other (Temp), Torture (Physical), Violence
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 2,064 Hit Count: 674 ePub Downloads: 22
Published: November 06, 2023 Updated: November 06, 2023
Summary: When Buffy died, Spike broke. All that’s left is his demon, trying to protect her legacy. Until the night she comes back.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, HappyWhenItRains, Holly
Artists: cawthraven
Categories: Alternate Reality, Season 6
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya, Dawn, Tara
Genres: Angst, HEA/HFN, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Mental Health Issues, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Feral!Spike & Depressed!Buffy (Author's Choice of Name)
Event: April Challenge Month 2024
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1,799 Hit Count: 388 ePub Downloads: 6
Published: April 14, 2024 Updated: April 14, 2024
Summary: What happens when Buffy turns to Spike to help her understand her nature as a Slayer? What happens when Riley experiences the natural consequences of his visits to the suckhouse?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: the_big_bad
Artists: Irandamay
Categories: Season 5, Alternate Reality
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya, Ben Wilkinson, Dawn, Ensemble, Glory, Joyce, Riley Finn, Sineya, Tara
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, HEA/HFN, Slow-Burn
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Buffy/Other (Temp), Character Death, Depictions of Bigotry, Dubious Consent, Rape (Actual), Rape (Implied), Sexual Situations, Spike/Other (Temp), Suicide
Challenges: Vampire Riley Challenge
Event: April Challenge 2022
Completed: Yes Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Word count: 289,442 Hit Count: 59,270 ePub Downloads: 663
Published: April 14, 2022 Updated: February 21, 2023