Past Featured Story
Summary: A shock revelation threatens to tear the Scooby Gang apart, but will it bring Spike and Buffy together in the long run? (Alternative Season Seven, without the First Evil and Potential Slayers plot line.) 
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 7, Alternate Reality, Challenge Response
Characters: Anya, Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Spike, Tara, Willow, Xander
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Adult Language
Challenges: Soulless Buffy , Soulless Dawn
Event: 2015 Challenge Month
Completed: Yes Chapters: 22
Word count: 27,377 Hit Count: 43,545 ePub Downloads: 347
Published: October 04, 2015 Updated: June 21, 2019

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes: Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

1. Chapter One by EllieRose101 - Likes: 32 Comments: 26 Word Count: 1,506 Hit Count: 8,005 Published: October 04, 2015

2. Chapter Two by EllieRose101 - Likes: 20 Comments: 18 Word Count: 1,068 Hit Count: 3,247 Published: October 23, 2015

3. Chapter Three by EllieRose101 - Likes: 20 Comments: 18 Word Count: 1,116 Hit Count: 2,995 Published: November 22, 2015

4. Chapter Four by EllieRose101 - Likes: 23 Comments: 18 Word Count: 1,039 Hit Count: 2,647 Published: April 06, 2016

5. Chapter Five by EllieRose101 - Likes: 21 Comments: 14 Word Count: 1,119 Hit Count: 1,943 Published: August 13, 2018

6. Chapter Six by EllieRose101 - Likes: 26 Comments: 17 Word Count: 1,920 Hit Count: 1,860 Published: August 22, 2018

7. Chapter Seven by EllieRose101 - Likes: 25 Comments: 14 Word Count: 1,401 Hit Count: 1,880 Published: August 26, 2018

8. Chapter Eight by EllieRose101 - Likes: 19 Comments: 14 Word Count: 1,612 Hit Count: 1,691 Published: September 06, 2018

9. Chapter Nine by EllieRose101 - Likes: 22 Comments: 12 Word Count: 1,113 Hit Count: 1,679 Published: September 10, 2018

10. Chapter Ten by EllieRose101 - Likes: 22 Comments: 12 Word Count: 823 Hit Count: 1,606 Published: September 18, 2018

11. Chapter Eleven by EllieRose101 - Likes: 26 Comments: 16 Word Count: 1,551 Hit Count: 1,491 Published: October 17, 2018

12. Chapter Twelve by EllieRose101 - Likes: 20 Comments: 11 Word Count: 1,526 Hit Count: 1,458 Published: November 02, 2018

13. Chapter Thirteen by EllieRose101 - Likes: 22 Comments: 12 Word Count: 1,436 Hit Count: 1,357 Published: November 06, 2018

14. Chapter Forteen by EllieRose101 - Likes: 24 Comments: 15 Word Count: 1,313 Hit Count: 1,401 Published: November 09, 2018

15. Chapter Fifteen by EllieRose101 - Likes: 19 Comments: 10 Word Count: 1,272 Hit Count: 1,300 Published: May 23, 2019

16. Chapter Sixteen by EllieRose101 - Likes: 19 Comments: 11 Word Count: 1,150 Hit Count: 1,348 Published: June 04, 2019

17. Chapter Seventeen by EllieRose101 - Likes: 21 Comments: 12 Word Count: 1,201 Hit Count: 1,217 Published: June 07, 2019

18. Chapter Eighteen by EllieRose101 - Likes: 20 Comments: 10 Word Count: 1,113 Hit Count: 1,343 Published: June 09, 2019

19. Chapter Nineteen by EllieRose101 - Likes: 19 Comments: 10 Word Count: 1,195 Hit Count: 1,309 Published: June 12, 2019

20. Chapter Twenty by EllieRose101 - Likes: 19 Comments: 9 Word Count: 1,029 Hit Count: 1,147 Published: June 13, 2019

21. Chapter Twenty-One by EllieRose101 - Likes: 20 Comments: 11 Word Count: 695 Hit Count: 1,202 Published: June 19, 2019

22. Chapter Twenty-Two by EllieRose101 - Likes: 26 Comments: 10 Word Count: 1,179 Hit Count: 1,416 Published: June 21, 2019