Past Featured Story
Summary: Buffy reacts to her resurrection… somewhat differently.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 6
Characters: Buffy, Ensemble, Spike
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 26
Word count: 102,302 Hit Count: 136,179 ePub Downloads: 837
Published: December 31, 2016 Updated: April 18, 2017

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes: Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Expertly betaed by the awesome Slaymesoftly flowers

1. Chapter 1 by All4Spike - Likes: 63 Comments: 39 Word Count: 3,092 Hit Count: 17,024 Published: December 31, 2016

Some lines borrowed from:

S6 Ep1 ‘Bargaining pt1 written by Marti Noxon and David Fury.


S6 Ep3 ‘Afterlife’, written by Jane Espenson.

2. Chapter 2 by All4Spike - Likes: 46 Comments: 26 Word Count: 4,077 Hit Count: 5,915 Published: January 07, 2017

Thank you all for the wonderful response to this story. I hope I don't go on to disappoint you...

Some lines borrowed from S6 Ep3 ‘Afterlife’, written by Jane Espenson.

3. Chapter 3 by All4Spike - Likes: 42 Comments: 17 Word Count: 3,323 Hit Count: 5,289 Published: January 13, 2017

Betaed by Slaymesoftly. Any errors are my own from last-minute fiddling.

Some lines borrowed from S6 Ep3 ‘Afterlife’, written by Jane Espenson.

4. Chapter 4 by All4Spike - Likes: 47 Comments: 23 Word Count: 4,164 Hit Count: 5,053 Published: January 20, 2017

Some lines borrowed from S6 ep3 ‘Afterlife’ written by Jane Espenson, and S6 ep4 ‘Flooded’ by Doug Petrie and Jane Espenson.

5. Chapter 5 by All4Spike - Likes: 40 Comments: 19 Word Count: 3,683 Hit Count: 4,935 Published: January 28, 2017

A few lines borrowed from:

S6 ep9: Smashed written by Drew Z. Greenberg.


S6 Ep4 Flooded, written by Doug Petrie and Jane Espenson.

6. Chapter 6 by All4Spike - Likes: 40 Comments: 19 Word Count: 3,538 Hit Count: 4,954 Published: February 04, 2017

Some lines borrowed from S6 Ep4: Flooded. Written by: Douglas Petrie and Jane Espenson.

7. Chapter 7 by All4Spike - Likes: 43 Comments: 21 Word Count: 3,452 Hit Count: 4,844 Published: February 10, 2017

Some lines borrowed from S6 Ep4: Flooded. Written by: Douglas Petrie and Jane Espenson.

8. Chapter 8 by All4Spike - Likes: 35 Comments: 17 Word Count: 3,925 Hit Count: 4,959 Published: February 17, 2017

Some lines borrowed from S6 Ep4: Flooded. Written by: Douglas Petrie and Jane Espenson.

9. Chapter 9 by All4Spike - Likes: 44 Comments: 20 Word Count: 3,912 Hit Count: 4,864 Published: February 21, 2017

A bonus posting by way of thanking whoever nominated me as the Author of the Month.


Some lines borrowed and partly adapted from S6 Ep8: Tabula Rasa, written by Rebecca Kirschner.

A line borrowed from S3 Ep20: The Prom, written by Marti Noxon.

10. Chapter 10 by All4Spike - Likes: 42 Comments: 27 Word Count: 3,651 Hit Count: 4,990 Published: February 24, 2017

I think you might like the last part of this chapter. wink


11. Chapter 11 by All4Spike - Likes: 38 Comments: 20 Word Count: 3,995 Hit Count: 4,892 Published: March 01, 2017

A bonus chappie to celebrate being voted Author of the Month for March. Thank you so much, everyone.

One line borrowed from S5 Ep16: ‘The Body’, written by Joss Whedon.

A few lines borrowed and partly adapted from S6 Ep8: ‘Tabula Rasa’, written by Rebecca Kirchner.

One line borrowed from S7 Ep14: ‘First date’, written by Jane Espenson.

12. Chapter 12 by All4Spike - Likes: 34 Comments: 17 Word Count: 3,995 Hit Count: 4,896 Published: March 03, 2017

I have now finished writing this story at 25 chapters. This means I'll be updating more frequently now that I don't need to give myself a buffer in case of the dreaded writers' block. I should post at least twice a week, and maybe more if I get too impatient.

Some lines borrowed and partly adapted from: S6 Ep5 ‘Life serial’, written by David Fury & Jane Espenson

13. Chapter 13 by All4Spike - Likes: 35 Comments: 14 Word Count: 4,643 Hit Count: 4,622 Published: March 07, 2017

A few lines borrowed from S6 Ep8: Tabula Rasa, written by Rebecca Kirshner.

A few lines borrowed and partly adapted from S6 Ep5: Life Serial, written by David Fury and Jane Espenson.

14. Chapter 14 by All4Spike - Likes: 35 Comments: 17 Word Count: 4,078 Hit Count: 4,725 Published: March 08, 2017

My computer is giving warning signs that it might possibly be about to give up the ghost, so I'm updating a lot more quickly than I had intended. The local computer doctor can't get to me until Monday, and then there will very likely be the kerfuffle of choosing, buying and setting up a new one. Wish me luck! screenpunch

A few lines borrowed and partly adapted from S6 Ep5: Life Serial, written by David Fury and Jane Espenson.

A few lines borrowed and partly adapted from S6 Ep6: All the way, written by Steven S. DeKnight

15. Chapter 15 by All4Spike - Likes: 38 Comments: 16 Word Count: 3,896 Hit Count: 4,686 Published: March 10, 2017

Happy 20th Buffyversary! Yes, I know. It was yesterday. My bad.

Some lines borrowed from S6 Ep6: All the Way, written by Steven S. DeKnight.

16. Chapter 16 by All4Spike - Likes: 39 Comments: 22 Word Count: 3,824 Hit Count: 4,724 Published: March 15, 2017

Thanks as always to Slaymesoftly, beta extraordinaire. flowers

17. Chapter 17 by All4Spike - Likes: 40 Comments: 24 Word Count: 3,897 Hit Count: 4,519 Published: March 17, 2017

A couple of lines borrowed from S6, episode 6: “All the way” written by Steven S. DeKnight.

I’m taking Tara’s 20th birthday to be the first transmission date of S5 episode 6: ‘Family’, which was 7th November 2000, which makes her 21st fall on Tuesday, 7th November 2001.

This chapter carries straight on from the previous one...

18. Chapter 18 by All4Spike - Likes: 40 Comments: 18 Word Count: 4,024 Hit Count: 4,468 Published: March 22, 2017

Betaed by the awesomeness that is Slaymesoftly. hug

19. Chapter 19 by All4Spike - Likes: 42 Comments: 23 Word Count: 5,368 Hit Count: 4,512 Published: March 24, 2017

Betaed by the awesome Slaymesoftly. hug

20. Chapter 20 by All4Spike - Likes: 40 Comments: 17 Word Count: 4,312 Hit Count: 4,504 Published: March 28, 2017

21. Chapter 21 by All4Spike - Likes: 39 Comments: 21 Word Count: 4,423 Hit Count: 4,297 Published: March 31, 2017

Betaed by the awesome Slaymesoftly. hug

However, I have tweaked since she fixed all my whoopsies, so all inconsistencies and errors are all my own work. screenpunch

22. Chapter 22 by All4Spike - Likes: 45 Comments: 19 Word Count: 3,620 Hit Count: 4,391 Published: April 04, 2017

Betaed by the extraordinary Slaymesoftly. hugPlease note, there has been a good deal of fiddling since she fixed all my whoopsies, so don't blame her if you find an error!

Have you seen the gorgeous pretty nmcil made for me? Isn't she clever! flowers

23. Chapter 23 by All4Spike - Likes: 42 Comments: 23 Word Count: 4,321 Hit Count: 4,407 Published: April 07, 2017

Betaed by the awesomeness that is Slaymesoftly, but I have fiddled quite extensively since she checked the chapter so any errors are my own.

24. Chapter 24 by All4Spike - Likes: 40 Comments: 25 Word Count: 4,880 Hit Count: 4,338 Published: April 11, 2017

Thanks to Slaymesoftly for the beta. All remaining errors are my own, from constant fiddling after the fact.

25. Chapter 25 by All4Spike - Likes: 44 Comments: 22 Word Count: 5,480 Hit Count: 4,672 Published: April 14, 2017

Betaed by the stupendous Slaymesoftly. However, I have tweaked and fiddled like mad since she fixed it for me, so any remaining errors are all my own.

A few words borrowed from S5 Ep18: ‘Intervention’ written by Jane Espenson.

26. Epilogue by All4Spike - Likes: 117 Comments: 69 Word Count: 729 Hit Count: 4,694 Published: April 18, 2017

Expertly betaed by the awesome Slaymesoftly. flowers

However, this epilogue bears very little resemblance to what she worked on as the last part of Chapter 25, so please don't blame her for any whoopsies you might find.