Past Featured Story
Summary: After her resurrection, Buffy runs away to lovely, brash, anonymous NYC.    
Written for the 2017 Elysian Fields Reunion Challenge.  
The fantabulous banner is by OffYourBird.  Senda salami!
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: OffYourBird, sandy_s
Artists: None
Series: The Brooklynverse
Categories: Season 6, Alternate Reality
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Dawn
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Completed: Yes Chapters: 6
Word count: 24,558 Hit Count: 14,743 ePub Downloads: 242
Published: September 30, 2017 Updated: November 05, 2017

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes:

For Gershwin, who believes she is a lapdog.
Many thanks to OffYourBird and sandy_s for their insight, enthusiasm, and encouragement at the draft stage!  I didn't always follow their suggestions in quite the way they intended, I think, but they were both wonderful.  Also, some EF-reader comments on what worked and didn’t on my Impossible fic proved incredibly helpful.  
Canon stands through the fifth season, but Joss’s comments outside the series do not. I own nothing from the show and seek no profit.
Warnings: Suicidal ideation, underage drinking, rude language, and unrepentant flouting of NYC’s leash laws.

1. Chapter 1 - Strange Solitude by yellowb - Likes: 53 Comments: 35 Word Count: 3,515 Hit Count: 4,004 Published: September 30, 2017

2. Chapter 2 - Imaginary Dog by yellowb - Likes: 50 Comments: 30 Word Count: 4,781 Hit Count: 2,298 Published: October 05, 2017

I'm posting early ... this will normally be a weekend story.  Please let me know if you see typos!

3. Chapter 3 - Letters from Spain by yellowb - Likes: 47 Comments: 30 Word Count: 3,303 Hit Count: 2,117 Published: October 14, 2017

4. Chapter 4 - The Frypan by yellowb - Likes: 47 Comments: 28 Word Count: 5,562 Hit Count: 2,236 Published: October 20, 2017

5. Chapter 5 - Social Skills by yellowb - Likes: 47 Comments: 28 Word Count: 4,055 Hit Count: 2,053 Published: October 28, 2017

6. Chapter 6 - Dawn by yellowb - Likes: 68 Comments: 46 Word Count: 3,342 Hit Count: 2,035 Published: November 05, 2017