6am by acekoomboom [PG-13]
Summary: “Don't pull up at six am to cuddle with me.” Does anyone really do that, though, Drake? Well, since you brought it up, Spuffy does. Season six and post series.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 6, Post-Series, Missing Scene
Characters: Buffy, Faith Lehane, Spike
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 1,639 Hit Count: 2,042 ePub Downloads: 31
Published: April 13, 2018 Updated: April 13, 2018

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

Story Notes:  I own nothing, nor do I claim to. It is all borrowed.

1. Cuddles by acekoomboom - Likes: 16 Comments: 10 Word Count: 1,639 Hit Count: 2,042 Published: April 13, 2018

 I am just poppin' out one shots! I was literally just in the car and that Drake song came on. And I was like... What? Who goes over to someone's house at that time in the morning to cuddle? Like, no. This is a bs lyric that you wrote in the song for the heck of it. And then I was like... Wait. Buffy so would have done that, the mind-game playing menace. I write this in one night, so... Watch out. Un beated and little check for errors.