Summary: Over the years, Buffy has fallen deeply in love with both sides of Spike - the leather-clad demon and the sweet poet within.
An artwork submission for April Challenge Month 2024
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: satinsafe
Categories: Artwork
Characters: Buffy
Genres: Established Relationship, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: Duster Buffy
Event: April Challenge Month 2024
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 371 ePub Downloads: 4
Published: April 02, 2024 Updated: April 02, 2024

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

Story Notes: Story title taken from the song "Shopping for Blood" by Franz Ferdinand 

1. Chapter 1 by satinsafe - Likes: 26 Comments: 20 Word Count: 1 Hit Count: 371 Published: April 02, 2024

Disclaimer: Buffy and the original images used to create this manip are not mine - the final product is!