living in a shotgun shack
and you may find yourself
in another part of the world
and you may ask yourself
well ... how did I get here?
-Talking Heads
Hallo! I'm Kaye, 29. I've been watching Buffy since it was originally airing- my parents were huge fans. I mostly remember bits of the end of s5/mid-s6 from that time. Then when I was 12 or 13 we had Netflix (back when it was just DVDs by mail) and I rewatched the whole series. Spent some time lurking in the fandom off and on, but didn't write for it at all until this last year. I decided to make my roommate at the time watch with me, and I fell right back in love with the show and Spuffy. Started coming up with fic ideas, then finally decided it was time to actually write again. I promised myself a long time ago that I wouldn't write another multi-chapter fic, but somehow I ended up doing exactly that. It's pretty cool pushing myself out of my comfort zone and sticking with it.
I tweet sometimes- often about stories I'm reading. I've also got profiles over on AO3 and FFN, if you like Doctor Who or Supernatural I've got quite a few pieces in those fandoms.
-Talking Heads